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Problem with Edit (Update)

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Problem with Edit (Update)
Hey everyone,

I have a question. On my apache server at home, I am using MySQLman 1.05, and everything works fine. That is, except when I am updating one of my tables. Now, the only difference between this table and the others I have in the same database, is that this one has 91 columns, some with pretty long names (e.g asbf_sdfsdfsdf_sdfsdfsdf). When I try to update one of the fields, and press GO...

What follows is, you guessed it, a 500 internal server error.

Now, is it possible, that there is a max number of fields that can be tranfered to the script? And if yes, how can I make it so the program will work anyway?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Problem with Edit (Update) In reply to
Oh, and I forgot to add - The server log sais :

[Sat Jan 06 20:49:56 2001] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=_great_green_apple=&%2Ainse: c:/home/www/cgi-bin/mysqlman2/mysql.cgi

B.t.w : great_green_apple is one of the column's names (So it looks as if there was too much data to tranfer and it overflowed...)


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Re: Problem with Edit (Update) In reply to

I just put up version 1.06, can you give that a try, it should fix the problem.



Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: Problem with Edit (Update) In reply to
Yep, fixed it all right! thanks a lot!

Now, I have another question.. Since now it worked 100% on my apache server at home, I uploaded it to the internet to the working server..

chmodded the mysql.cgi file, and tried accessing it via browser...
What then appears is the login screen, which, when filled with wrong username/password, leads to the "wrong password" page...

And now the problem :
When trying to access it with a true username/password, the server returns a 500 internal server error, namely, premature end of script headers..

How is it possible that it loads the first screen, but then only at a right login it fails?

the machine runs perl 5.004, it's on UNIX... (paths seem to be correct..)

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Re: Problem with Edit (Update) In reply to
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the machine runs perl 5.004, it's on UNIX... (paths seem to be correct..)
As Alex mentioned in another POST, MySQLMan has been programmed for Perl 5.0053. So, it most likely is a problem with the Perl version you have installed in your virtual account. Ask your hosting company to upgrade their Perl package.


Eliot Lee
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Re: Problem with Edit (Update) In reply to
Can you try adding:

BEGIN { $| = 1; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (STDERR, "&STDOUT); }

to the beginning of mysql.cgi. Then run it and see what happens. If you can print out the first few lines that gets sent to the browser, that would help.



Gossamer Threads Inc.