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Sequel To MySQLMan and MySQL 4.1.0-alpha problems

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Sequel To MySQLMan and MySQL 4.1.0-alpha problems
Hello All,

Problem was that I couldn't edit records even though a primary key was defined on the table. This is because an extra col of data was being returned from the DESCRIBE table. (the collation col). I'm not sure why this hasn't affected more of you maybe it will as you upgrade your mysql. Anyway fix is to change:

if ( $ary[4] eq 'PRI' )
{ push ( @pri_key, $ary[0] ); }


if ( $ary[3] eq 'PRI' or $ary[4] eq 'PRI' )
{ push ( @pri_key, $ary[0] ); }

in sub get_pri_key in MySQLMan.pm
