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URL shortcuts?

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URL shortcuts?
Hey everybody..

I was wondering, are there any shortcuts to enter the DB to special places? What I mean is, take the login for example.. Instead of entering mysql.cgi and login normally, you can enter at the URL bar this address :


Now, are there any shortcuts to put in the URL to get directly inside a table? let's say I want to have a string ready, so if I want to edit a row in table 'tab' inside database 'dat', I will simply have to copy it into the url bar...

Have a great one,

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Re: URL shortcuts? In reply to

Here is an example:

record_modify=username+% 3 D+% 2 7admin% 2 7

(Ps. There is no space in "% 3 D" and "% 2 7")

This URL will let you modify the record with username = 'admin' in database "test" in table "users".

All in the query string should stay the same except that you should change "data_source", "table", and "record_modify". Changing "data_source" and "table" is very straight forward. However, that value assigned to "record_modify" is similar to what you would put in the WHERE clause. In the example,

username+% 3 D+% 2 7admin% 2 7

(Ps. Again, there is no space in "% 3 D" and "% 2 7")

is actually saying:

username = 'admin'


"+" is a space;
"% 3 D" is "="; and
"% 2 7" is "'"

As a final note, the column used in "record_modify" has to be the primary key of the table. I.e the column "username" has to be the primary key of table "users" in the example.

Gossamer Threads, Inc.
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Re: URL shortcuts? In reply to
Ok, but how do I specify a user and pass?

When I added db_user, db_pass and db_host, it told me the username and password have been stored, and it's bringing me back to the last page > as if I just did a login...

So how do I specify a username and password?

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Re: URL shortcuts? In reply to
You do not need to specify the usernam and the password in the URL as the script will retrieve them from the cookies.

Gossamer Threads, Inc.