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error loading libraries

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error loading libraries
I'm new to MySQL and perl so please bear with me. I've uploaded mysqlman to my server with all the proper permissions, and to the best of my knowledge the proper path specifications. However when I try to run mysql.cgi I get the following error message:

Error loading required libraries
Reason: GT/CGI.pm did not return a true value at mysql.cgi line 3181.

1.Please check if the file is in MySQLMan directory, permission is set correctly, and that it compiles.

2.If the file exists in the folder, then check if the path to MySQLMan folder is in @INC.If @INC does not contain the path then add use lib '/path/to/MySQLMan'; to the beginning of mysql.cgi.

Please refer the comments in mysql.cgi for detail.

3.Please check if the file was uploaded in ASCII mode (instead of BINARY mode).

This message is not saying that it couldn't locate the file, so I'm unsure what needs to be revised. Anyone have an idea? Thanks in advance.

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Re: error loading libraries In reply to
You have just given three possible solutions in your first post so why not try them before you post.

Paul Wilson.