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Re: [pjt_ren] I've an idea for the fileman!
Not all servers support unzipping.

You could create a simple routine to do it though if you have "unzip" installed on your server...

sub unzip {
# Unzip a zip file.

my $file = shift;
my $path = locate_unzip() or die "Cannot locate unzip binary";
my $output = qx/$path $file/;

return $output;


sub locate_unzip {
# Locate the unzip binary.

my @opts = qw(/bin/unzip /usr/bin/unzip /usr/sbin/unzip /usr/local/bin/unzip);

for (@opts) {
-x $_ and return $_;

return 0;

Well thats just a basic example...you'd probably need to make changes to get it to work with fileman.

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RedRum: Feb 18, 2002, 3:19 AM

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