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Re: [Evoir] "HIV comes to Sesame Street" - CBC Canada
Those reviews are making me curious, can it be found on local video store's shelves?

Sorry about the misunderstanding. Make take on it was that almost all the puppets on Sesame Street were monsters anyways. Cuddly ones at that, and that gender didn't really matter... though in this case, because females are affected by the disease in Africa more often than males, it makes a disturbing, but appropriate choice.

Maybe there's a possiblity here though, that even as a monster, this character can be portrayed as a strong and persevering individual with merits in their own right and this would serve as a good example. Which... I would hope is the path they would run since they are trying to desensitize children to the stigma of AIDS.

Sorry about that, I have a feeling I know what you mean though: being asian, I've experienced a heck of a lot of wierd opinions and just wierd crap and am a little sensitive to what I see on TV and Movies (since I think they reflect public opinion)

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Aki: Jul 16, 2002, 12:02 PM

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