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Error loading required libraries

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Error loading required libraries
Ok, I've placed direct paths to everything, I think. Including the cgi file.
I'm still getting an error message:

Error loading required libraries

Reason: [Sun Nov 5 11:33:40 2000] mysql.cgi: Can't locate GT_Template.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /home/leonard/hellospringfield-www/cgi-bin/mysql /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.00404 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at mysql.cgi line 2946.

1. Please check if the file is in MySQLMan directory, permission is set correctly, and that it compiles.

2. If the file exists in the folder, then check if the path to MySQLMan folder is in @INC.
If @INC does not contain the path then add
use lib '/path/to/mysqlman';

My configuration is as follows:

# Auto Set the current path. If the path is not set automatically then
# you can comment out BEGIN { ... } and add the line:
$script_path = '/home/www/cgi-bin/mysql';
# (You may need change the auto set path part of mysql.cgi as well.)

# use vars qw/$script_path/;
# $0 =~ m,(.*?)[^/\\]+$, ? ($script_path = $1) : ($script_path = '.');

# --------------------------
# --------------------------

%config = (

# --------------------------------------------------------
# the URL to mysql.cgi. No Trailing Slash Please.
# You can set it as "mysql.cgi" to make it relative.
script_url => "http://HelloSpringfield.com/cgi-bin/mysql/mysql.cgi",

# The URL to home/top. It is used for the link TOP on each page
# in the tool bar.
home_url => "http://HelloSpringfield.com/",

# The PATH to the template directory.
template_dir => $script_path . "/home/www/cgi-bin/mysql/templates",

# The PATH to the directory with help pages.
help_dir => $script_path . "/home/www/cgi-bin/mysql/help",


Again, I checked to make sure it was loaded in ASCII and permission
was set correctly.

P.S. Quick question, will mysqlman do basically the same thing as dbman? If not, what is the difference? I'm really new. What I really need is dbman is sql -- can mysqlman do this? Cashflow prevents me from purchasing dbmansql at the moment and I'm hoping to make do in the meantime. Thanks for your patience.

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Re: Error loading required libraries In reply to
Please add replies to your original Threads, Thanks.

Anyway...your variables are NOT configured properly....

Change the following codes:


template_dir => $script_path . "/home/www/cgi-bin/mysql/templates",

to the following:


template_dir => $script_path . "/templates",

Then change the following codes:


help_dir => $script_path . "/home/www/cgi-bin/mysql/help",

with the following codes:


help_dir => $script_path . "/help",

In Reply To:
Quick question, will mysqlman do basically the same thing as dbman?
Nope....MySQLMan is a MySQL management program that only has the following features:

1) Add Tables
2) Add Databases
3) Add Fields
4) Import
5) Export
6) Search
7) Insert

etc., etc.

Basically, it is a web emulerator to execute SQL statements via the web browser.

In Reply To:
What I really need is dbman is sql -- can mysqlman do this?
Then buy a license for DBMAN SQL.

The major difference between MySQLMan and DBMAN is that are NO alternative user permissions than the administrator logging in with the admin root account info. That is why there is DBMAN SQL. If you would like any Tom, Dick, and Harry to access your MySQL databases/tables with admin permissions, then go ahead and use MySQLMan. But be aware that allowing everyone to access your MySQL tables/databases directly will increase security risks.


Eliot Lee
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Re: Error loading required libraries In reply to
Is there anyone else who can help me??? *s*

I had the temp and help files as you indicated, to start with. I was refered to planetjump's posting who seemed to have a similar problem and this is how he solved it.

I changed to absolute paths on templates and help files after reading the post. But, that didn't help either.

Still have the same error messages. Please refer to my previous post. Changing the templates and help paths back to /templates and /help does't help. Still have error messages.


P.S. Elliot, I know you may mean well but I am sure you were once a newbie. You didn't come "all knowing" from birth. That's why I ask questions to find out. No reason to take an attitude. I didn't know that's why I asked about dbman and mysqlman. I suspected I may have the wrong program to begin with.

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Re: Error loading required libraries In reply to
Attitude?? I was clearly helping you to provide information about MySQL and DBMAN.

Good luck finding a solution!


Eliot Lee