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User administration

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User administration
Hi again to eberyone,

My question now is regarding user management.
1- I am trying to find out how to set up special permissions to different users and if possible to create user groups, so if a user is created under that group it will have the default group settings.

2- The other thing is regarding the login on MySQLMan... so far... anyone who goes to the main page for login and types in any user name and password, will be able to create a user. This user will be created with privileges that I do not want them to have unless I give it to them. Actually, I would preffer to create all users and that nobody could create their users. Is there a way to deny access to all unless I create the user and define the privileges?

3- I tried using the winmysqladmin-nt that comes in MySQL... but the thing is that I cannot do anything apart from flushing when I click the right button. I doesn't allow me to delete or create or even change anything. Would you know any other tool for Windows XP Professional that I could use to manage the users database (setting privileges, etc..) and any other feature if possible?

Thanks in advance and be sure that the day I have the knowledge you guys have I will be here to share and assist...



Leopoldo Innecco
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Re: [Innecco] User administration In reply to
1) MySQLMan does not support this. You have to set-up permissions within your MySQL server itself. Go to www.mysql.com for more information.

2) Again, you have to do this through your MySQL server, MySQLMan does not support this.

3) Go to www.mysql.com and there is section for freeware and shareware tools for Windows.
Buh Bye!
